
Welcome To The Kid's Place!

Here in the Kid's Place our goal is to teach you all about recycling. More importantly the goal is teach how cool and important recycling is. Recycling is the first step that anyone can take in order to help keep our planet healthy for years to come.

Have fun with some coloring pages!

Why is Recycling Important?

  • 21.5 million tons of food is wasted each year. If we practiced composting that amount of food, it would have the same effect to our environment as removing 2 million cars off the highway.
  • Recycling 1 aluminum can saves enough energy to light a 100 watt light bulb for 20 hours and a TV for 2 hours. That’s just from 1 can.
  • For every ton of recycled glass, you prevent 315 kilograms of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.

What Can You Do?

  • If your area doesn't offer curbside recycling pick up or you have recyclables not covered by the program, find a recycling drop-off center. Generally, you can bring commonly recycled items such as paper products, aluminum cans and plastics to these centers.
  • Extend the life of common household products by reusing them before you recycle. For example, clean out glass food jars and use them to store homemade salad or pasta dressing.
  • You'll have an easier time recycling if you set up recycling bins next to your indoor trash cans. That way, you can sort as you go, rather than dig through the trash later.
Test your knowledge with some quizes!